Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Do you make resolutions?

I have to say, some years I don't make any type of goals, or resolutions for myself at all.  But this past year was such  a whirlwind that I have decided to set some goals for myself.

Maybe if I write them out where everyone can see them I will feel a little more pressure to actually carry through.

So here goes.

I am going to give more in 2011.  (Yes, I did take the Radical challenge!)

I want to make sure to set aside a certain amount of time for just me and my husband.  That may sound corny, but I still have two teenagers at home and we really get very little time by ourselves.

I want to read through the entire bible in a year.  (I don't have any kind of plan I am just winging it.)

I want to get rid of stuff I don't need.  We have so much stuff that we honestly don't use, but I start to get rid of it then I think to myself this is still good. (It's a vicious cycle.)

Also, I am really going to try to tackle some projects.  I need to paint, I want to get a new floor, but I want to do it on a budget.  Not going to be easy, but anything is possible.


  1. Thanks for doing this. I have a *bucket list* for 2011 that you have now inspired me to write down!
