Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's 100 years old!!

About a month ago, I was lucky enough to get 2 pieces of furniture to experiment on.

This one was my favorite!

I had already taken out the drawers because they had veneer on them and it was chipping so I have been working on that this week.

As you can see, well you can see part of the drawer anyway, and I have finished the two large drawers.  I still have to give them a sanding to smooth them out but the veneer is

Here's how they looked before I started scraping.

Nice flowers, huh?

I did all the research on the best way to remove it and the steam method is what most of the bloggers said worked best.  Of course they used a damp rag and an iron, but me, I like
to be original and I thought why not use my steam mop?


Same basic principal, steam and heat, then I just scraped it off.

I have to say it worked great.

I know I am painting it, but I haven't decided on a color yet.

But I can't wait to show you when I am done.

Oh, I almost forgot.  

When I was picking the piece up from my friend her husband kept telling me how she would always tell him how old it was.  She has had it since college and next year, she has a daughter heading off to college, so she has had it quite some time.  

He said anytime he said something about the veneer peeling off she said, "Well it's 100 year's old, my daddy got it for me when I went to college."  

So, I hope she approves when I'm finished.

I know her husband will be because the flowers are gone!

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